Alex Murshak

Software + Philosophy

I got into software because of its capacity to build great things.


I work on technology and philosophy.

Ever since making games on my TI-85 in middle school, I knew software was a special domain for unlocking human ingenuity. Then, I studied political philosophy in college to learn about the kind of systems that foster greater human flourishing. I combine these core interests as a practicioner-theoretician.

I've been building applications with LLMs to perform vector search, text summarization, and text-generation for a popular finance and tech blog since June 2023. I've primarily used Chromadb, Langchain, OpenAI, and open source foundation models like Llama2.

Previously, I worked for Venturit, where I designed and built APIs and backends for biomedical applications.

You can find my more philosophical work on Hacking State, a long-form interview podcast and Substack; and on Youtube. I also had a previous show, Agora Politics, spanning 42 episodes over two years.

For academic work, see my Academia page.

For business inquiries, please see my LinkedIn,
or email me directly.

Languages & Tooling

LLMs     Langchain   Chromadb

Python  JavaScript  Go

Flask   React       Gin

Postgres   Node    MySQL

AWS   Docker    Linux


B.A., Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy,
James Madison College @ Michigan State University,
